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Via del Cottanello

In the area there are several accommodation facilities (B&B, Guest House, AirB & B). We can suggest the CAMPLUS GUEST ROMA hotel located in Via del Cottanello, about one kilometer away from the deGENERE location, 150 meters from metro B (Pietralata) and three metro stops from Tiburtina station where trains arrive from Ciampino airports. and Fiumicino.


It is currently considered the best hotel in Rome for its quality / price ratio and offers:

- Breakfast;

- Free wifi internet connection;

- Use of the Fitness and Recreation Room;

- Coin operated laundry room;

- Daily cleaning and linen change;

- Reception 24h.


You can book:

- by e-mail to

- by calling (0039) 06 88371700

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